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Almond Kale Smoothie

Smoothies are a favourite with all age groups and they quench your thirst and satisfy your hunger.

One of the easier and tastier ways of sneaking the exceptionally nutritious kale into your diet is through the Almond Kale Smoothie. The relatively bitter tasting kale is much more appetizing in this smoothie. If you continue to find it bitter, then you could steam the kale before adding it to the smoothie.

Here is the recipe for Almond Kale Smoothie:

• 75g chopped or steamed kale (discard the thick rib in the centre of the leaf)

• 1 glass (250ml) unsweetened almond milk

• 1 tbsp almond butter

• 1 tbsp soaked raw almonds

• 1 date, pitted

• 1 tbsp coconut oil

Method: Blend everything in blender till a smooth texture, and serve immediately. Add sugar/honey if required.

Kale is packed with calcium, vitamins and anti-oxidants. Almonds offer protein, good fats, and Vitamin-K which is good for rejuvenating your skin. Milk provides you with calcium and protein.

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